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1 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Nov 15, 2012 2:26:50pm

One of my friends is Iraqi-American from San Diego. Christian, so a different community, but she says there's just a lot of stress on families as they try to adapt to a new world, and get over everything that's happened. Domestic violence is often a big problem in a setting like this. The communal structures that give women some safety in a traditional society don't apply any more.

If the husband is guilty, I have to say, framing it as a hate crime was a stroke of evil brilliance.

2 kmg  Thu, Nov 15, 2012 2:32:42pm

I don't think it was so brilliant. Anyone with half a brain knew it wasn't a hate crime and was most likely an "honour" killing.

Thanks for bringing us back to this news story. I remember when Charles did a post on this and everyone was wringing their hands over the supposed hate-crime against this poor hijab-wearing woman. I remarked that I hoped Charles would comment again when an accused was arrested. Well, it was her husband and I guess it didn't fit with the programme, so no update from Charles on this story.

3 researchok  Thu, Nov 15, 2012 2:40:48pm

re: #2 kmg

Give CJ a break here.

What with the election, ongoing craziness and LGF technical reworking he's been a bit busy.

He'll get around to it at some point.

4 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Nov 15, 2012 2:45:10pm

re: #2 kmg

I don't think it was so brilliant. Anyone with half a brain knew it wasn't a hate crime and was most likely an "honour" killing.

He managed to use the cover to get her body flown to Iraq for burial. Any physical evidence not collected on the first round will be extremely hard to get now.

I don't see any particular evidence of honor killing, either. A lot of men from a lot of cultures have killed their wives because they were going to leave. If it were the daughter, maybe. 'Honor killing' does not mean 'murder of any female relative by an Arab man'.

A lot will presumably come out at trial.

5 kmg  Thu, Nov 15, 2012 3:46:57pm

@researchok. I doubt it.

@SFZ I am sure at that point they couldn't prevent him from leaving. But he really must have thought he was some genius, because he came back ;-) This case reminded me of the Shafia case in Canada. As soon as I saw the weeping father on TV, I knew he did it and I said he did it. Something just wasn't genuine. As for Al-Himidi, I am sure his wife leaving him was a very, very great source of dishonour for this man. Funny how in some cultures murder is more honourable than a divorce or a daughter who talks to boys or shows her hair or gets and education etc., etc.

6 Gus  Thu, Nov 15, 2012 7:03:03pm

Noun, verb...


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